Tuesday, January 3, 2017

#43: small great things by Jodi Picoult

I love reading books by Jodi Picoult.  They challenge not only my head but also my heart, as they push me to think about things that I normally wouldn't and to feel things I never thought I could feel.

At a time in American history where the issue of Black vs. White seems to have resurfaced once again, small great things is a timely novel. It is the story of Ruth, an experienced labor and delivery nurse who happens to be African American.  It is also the story of Turk and Brit, parents of baby Davis, who happen to be white supremacists and who do not wish Ruth to touch their son.  So, what happens when Davis goes into distress and Ruth is the only nurse in the room?

I don't plan to tell you because that would ruin the book for you and you must read it on your own.  But what I will tell you is that I was raised by my mother to look beyond how someone looks and to focus instead on a person's actions so this novel was hard for me to read at times because I just couldn't understand how anybody could treat Ruth as she was treated.  This is an intelligent woman with more than 20 years of experience in a delivery room.  I can't think of anyone who I would want more helping me through childbirth or caring for my newborn than Ruth, no matter what her skin color happens to be.  I suspect that's exactly what Picoult would hope her readers would feel, but you never know what side people might take in a story such as this one.  I suspect there may have been readers who could relate to Turk and Brit's wishes.

The resolution to the problem posed by this novel was a bit of a surprise for me, but Picoult always has a way of making her readers scratch their head with something they never saw coming (or maybe it's just me!).  It's part of what makes me look forward to reading her books; I can always expect the unexpected.

Read this one.  Stretch your mind and your soul.  It's a good one.

Happy reading!

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