Thursday, December 27, 2012

#44: The Perfect Hope by Nora Roberts

The Perfect Hope is the final book in The Inn Boonsboro Trilogy by Nora Roberts and it was a perfect ending to this delightful series of stories.

I often find myself pushing my Nora Roberts books to the side to read other books like The Hobbit and Casual Vacancy.  Then, when I finally pick one up, I am reminded that just because Roberts writes Romance books, it doesn't make her writing or her stories any less important, or any less interesting.  In fact, I fnd that I enjoy her books more than some of those books that my english professors from college would do cartwheels over.  Are they easy to read?  Yes.  And I think for that reason alone, many ladies pick them up and read them.  They tell a good story, they leave you feeling good in the end, and they are quick reads.  It took me weeks to read Casual Vacancy.  It took me three days to read The Perfect Hope.  And, not just because it was easy to read, but because I couldn't stop.  I wanted to know what was going to happen next with Hope.  I was laughing out loud at Ryder, and I was intrigued by Lizzie, the ghost. It was an all-around good read.

Now, about Lizzie.  I have to admit that when I read the first book in this series, I was laughing at how ridiculous Lizzie and the idea of a ghost living in the Inn was.  But, Lizzie appears in all three books and her love story is told alongside Clare's, Avery's, and Hope's.  By the end of the last book, I was so glad that Lizzie had been included and I did not find it at all strange or bizarre.  I loved it! 

I was sad to reach the end of this series, but lucky for me, I had another Nora Roberts book (two, actually) on my bedside table.  I happily reached for it and did not worry about it just being a romance novel.  I just readied myself for another good read and Nora Roberts did not disappoint! 

Happy Reading!
:) Dodie

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