Monday, December 16, 2013

#52: The Supreme Macaroni Company by Adriana Trigiani

The Supreme Macaroni Company is the third and final book in the Valentine series by Trigiani, and I am sad to not have any more books about Valentine to read.  She is a wonderful character and if she were real, I'd strive to be her friend.  I just love her realness.

I have adored Trigiani's books since Big Stone Gap came out years ago (and I have plans to re-read that series in anticipation of the upcoming movie) and while my favorite remains The Shoemaker's Wife, the series staring Valentine takes second place for me.  Her story is a romantic, heart-felt struggle--a struggle to find her place in a family where she just doesn't quite fit the mold, a struggle to do what she wants to do in life, and a struggle to find and hold onto love.

The ending of her story, which I shall only hint about as to not be a spoiler, was a timely reminder for me that life is short and unpredictable.  And, while change is scary, sometimes it must be embraced and life must be lived while you have the chance to live it.  I don't want to be Valentine, re-thinking her choices and wondering "what if" every step of the way. I don't want to wish for one more day with my husband, or for him to wonder why I loved my work more than my him and my family.  As much as I love Valentine, she is a good character to learn from and to be wiser than--not a character to emulate.  In my opinion. 

So, while Valentine's story ends, perhaps she is just the muse I need to begin my own. begin Chapter Two of My Story. 

Happy reading!
:) Dodie

p.s. This completes my 52 for the year!  Woo-hoo!  Yet, I just started a new book yesterday.  So, who knows how many I will read before January 1, 2014. 

p.p.s. Look for my Top 10 List soon!

#51: Fever by Maya Banks

Fever, by Maya Banks makes me realize, yet again, that some sequels are worth skipping.  It was unrealistic and not worth my time to read.  Therefore, it is also not worth my time to blog about. 

Skip this one.  And probably the third in the series.  Although I am curious...

Happy reading!
:) Dodie

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

#50: Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

I went to see "Catching Fire" last week and was amazed at how little I remembered of the book.  Of course, I did read it two years ago.  I can barely recall events from yesterday, so it was not really a wonder that I couldn't remember.  Even sadder was that I absolutely could not recall what Mockingjay was about.  So I re-read it.  In a day.

You can always check my blog to see what I thought the first time (I actually haven't done this yet, but will when I am done blogging), but the second time around was truly gratifying.  Perhaps because I could imagine the characters, the setting, and the events, thanks to the amazing movies that these glorious books became.  The book was amazing  and well worth reading for a second time.

While reading Mockingjay, I read an article a friend sent me about Peeta and how he was the girl in his relationship with Katniss, while she was the boy.  In other words, their gender roles were reversed.  Peeta was always acting on his feelings, while Katniss was always trying to save him and rescue him.  Never is this more true that in the epilogue of Mockingjay.  I, personally, like their relationship and find that it is realistically balanced.  Katniss and Gale and way better friends than they would ever be as a romantic match. 

Leave it to me to gloss over the blood, gore, and killing, and move straight into the epilogue, but I really can't focus on that part of the book.  It's enough to read it twice; I do not need to re-hash it all here.  Bottom line: there was a rebellion and people died.  Luckily for us, the people needed to help Panem move forward did not.  Phew!

Suzanne Collins deserves every bit of the praise and acclaim she's getting for these phenomenal novels.  I am waiting not so patiently for the movie version of Mockingjay

Happy reading!
:) Dodie

#49: Release Me by J. Kenner

I am sitting down to blog about this novel, a book I tore through in two days, and for the life of me I can't recall a single thing about the book.  Either I am getting old, which I am, or there's little that's memorable about the text. I guess I need to skin the book and job my memory... I remember...

Release Me is the story of Damien Stark ( of the stories...this is apparently one of three stories) and Nikki, the girl with whom Damien is obsessed.  Damien is a former tennis star turned scientist; Nikki is a former Texas beauty queen, turned want-to-be scientist/app designer.  Damien met Nikki once when she was young; Nikki has been in love with Damien ever since.  They finally stumble into each other at an art gala and the story of their intense love affair begins. 

While I was told that I had to read this book because of the intense love affair, I was actually quite taken by the story line of Damien's indecent proposal for Nikki to earn a million dollars for posing nude for a painting for his new home.  Her face would never be seen; only Damien, Nikki, and the artist (who had to sign a legal document declaring that he'd never reveal the model's identity) would know she did it.  A million dollars would help start up Nikki's app business.  What ever is a girl to do? 

You will have to read to find out...I guess I am going to have to break down and read the next book at some point.  Maybe when we go to Bermuda over spring break.  This would be a good book to throw in my beach bag while I bask in the glow of the pink Bermudian sand.  I have a queue of books to read that's piling up.  So little time and so much to read.

Happy reading!
:) Dodie