Wednesday, September 14, 2016

#37: The Kid Who Ran for President by Dan Gutman

I heard about this book on John Oliver's political TV show on HBO.  He linked it to a discussion he had one evening about Donald Trump. He said, basically, that Donald Trump's candidacy was similar to Judson Moon's (the main character in the book) candidacy.  Except that instead of being 70, Judson moon was 12 (at which point her made some snarky comment about Trump often acting like he's 12).  I was intrigued to read this book to discover what Oliver was talking about.  I was further intrigued when I couldn't get the book on Amazon right away because it was sold out.  It made me wonder if I was not alone in checking on the book as I listened to John Oliver talk about the novel.

As I read The Kid Who Ran for President, I marked passages that reminded me of the currently presidential race.  I marked 16 different scenes in the 150 page book that reminded me of our current race for the White House.  (Note: this book was written in 1996)  Mostly the passages reminded me of Trump, as Oliver noted in his show, but some could've been about Hillary, too.  Or really any other candidate.

I think this is a good book to read with older elementary aged kids before a presidential election, so I am passing this off to my friend who teaches 5th graders, but I think older students, like my daughter who is taking AP Government this year, could read it and find the irony and humor in it that I picked up on as an adult reader.

John Oliver suggested that Trump follow suit, and like Judson Moon renounce his candidacy.  I hope Trump wasn't watching that night.  I need him to win and to move into the White House.  Of course, that means Oliver didn't realize there is a sequel to this book: The Kid Who Became President.  Oliver says Moon reminds him of Trump.  In this case, I hope Oliver is spot on right.

Happy reading, everyone!

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