Tuesday, March 25, 2014

#21 Peyton Place by Grace Metalious

I've heard about Peyton Place since I was a little girl.  It was the scandalous book people read behind closed doors and never admitted to really reading, even though they did.  It was also the scandalous TV show that everyone remembers watching.  But, it wasn't until I read The American Wife and read references to Peyton Place that I decided to read it for myself and decide exactly how scandalous it really is.

So, it's not scandalous in the sense that 50 Shades of Grey is scandalous, but I am sure that for a book written in the 60's, it was scandalous.  Especially when you think of it in terms of the quotation on the front cover of the book: "the extraordinary new novel that lifts the lid off a small New England town."  It seems to have lifted the lid off of any town, anywhere.  Every city has dirty laundry.  The scary thought for people everywhere is that they are going to be exposed, and that's exactly what Metalious did in her novel--she reminded us that all towns across the nation have scandal.  None of us are safe from gossip, sex, and intrigue.  Even in the 60's.  Especially in 2014.

I will be honest and admit that I googled Peyton Place last weekend as I was trying to get into the book. I read just enough to learn that the book centers around three main characters: Constance, Allison, and Selena.  OK.  Perhaps these are the main characters, but since there's no chapter/book delineation making these three ladies stand out, they seem no more important to me than the other scores and scores of towns people mentioned in the novel. Allison, maybe, as she is the writer about to put Peyton Place on the map with her new novel as Peyton Place comes to a close and Return to Peyton Place (which I do not plan to read) begins.  But, if it weren't for my google search, I'd have had no idea that the book was really about these three ladies.  There were sections of the book where these ladies weren't even mentioned.  Maybe I am missing something.

I haven't made up my mind if I liked Peyton Place, either.  I am glad from an historical standpoint that I read the book.  It seems to be just another one of those books from our past that you should read just to say that you did, but it will never end up on my favorites list.  This book did not move me, it did not teach me anything (except to fear small towns and gossipy neighbors), and I do not feel as though moving forward in life I will take anything from this book with me as I go.  But, am I impressed by the author's gumption?  Yes.  Did she make a statement with this book?  I can only imagine that she did.  Was her writing professionally crafted and characters well-developed?  Absolutely.  From a technical standpoint, this book is exquisite.  The first pages alone had me enthralled as Metalious sensually described Indian Summer.  But, between the smaller than small font (get this on your e-device and make the font bigger) and the large cast of characters that I could never truly keep straight, it was a tiring read that left me wanting more at the end.  But not wanting to read the sequel, so you do the math on that one.

OK.  So, I feel about this about the same way I did about reading "The Canterbury Tales" in high school.  I'm glad I read it so that I can say that I did and so that I can know what people are talking about when they talk about it.  The End.

Happy reading, everyone.
:) Dodie

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