Wednesday, December 28, 2011

#65 The Reversal by Michael Connelly

I can't believe that I have read 65 books this year.  Crazy! 

Number 65 was fantastic!  I had read about 250 pages of the 420 page book by the time I  turned off the light last night and I finished the rest of the book today.  I truly couldn't put it down.  Good thing I didn't have anything else to do today!

The Reversal is the third book in the Mickey Haller series of books, better known as The Lincoln Lawyer books.  While I did not read The Lincoln Lawyer, I did see the movie and was hooked on Mickey Haller.  I then read The Brass Verdict, which was awesome, but put The Reversal on hold because these books require thought--they are mentally challenging, and they require me to remember details and to put puzzle pieces together.  I can only read so many of them at one time. They are definitely not light, easy, beach bag reads.  However, this time I am going to read the next book, The Fifth Witness, next.  My bookmark is already in the book. 

While I love a good story, and the Lincoln Lawyer does provide us with one good story after another, what I love about these books so much is the process of writing these types of stories.  The planning and the research and the details that go into creating a legal thriller overwhelms me.  What a mind you must have as a writer to create such a tale. I do need to warn potential readers that The Reversal's plot does involve the abduction of a 12 year old girl.  Some of my reader friends out there can't/won't read these kinds of stories so I wanted to warm you upfront.  If you like the other books but want to skip this one, you can do so easily.  The books aren't sequels, so you can miss one without missing important details from the series. 

I also must add that the title of The Reversal has intrigued me.  In this book, a case is being retried.  So, in my mind, I saw the title as foreshadowing the ending.  I assumed a reversal of the original verdict was in order.  Rob, who had read the book already, saw it differently.  The main character, Mickey Haller is a defense attorney, but in this book he works for the prosecution.  Rob saw the reversal as being that Mickey changed sides as a lawyer.  It's an interesting title to contemplate, that's for sure.  If you read it, I'd love to know what you think. I'd love to elaborate more on this idea, but it might give away some of the plot and I don't want to ruin the story for anyone. 

I still can't believe that 65 books have come and gone this year.  I love that my blog is there to remind me of what I read and how I felt about each and every book.  I wonder what 2012 will bring?  I still have a few days left to set a goal.  I will tell you that my Nook is loaded with 3 books already and I have 13 other books marked that have come from friend suggestions this year.  So, I plan to read at least 16 books in 2012.  But, would I really stop at 16?  :) 

Happy reading everyone!

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